Material and man
Great product quality is dear to us. The right synergy of man and material is the only effective guarantee. Technical know-how and state-of-the-art production facilities are just as important as responsible resource use. High hygiene and safety standards and systematic and detailed control of production processes are crucial. The required safety and consistently high quality can only be achieved if each individual production stage is inspected. Moreover, our employees test each product for processibility and baking behaviour in our in-house laboratories.
From research to new products ideas
Our strong research and development activities are the foundation for the success of our KOMPLET product line. Trends must be identified, new raw materials tested, and customer and consumer requests must be integrated.
Here, our intensive contact with our customers makes the crucial difference: We are closer to the source. We are simply given a new impetus. And this allows us to develop new products and trendsetting recipe ideas in record time.
Our ideas become the right product at the right time, leading to success and satisfied customers who love coming back for more.